off to Taipei!

Robina and her friends are off to Taipei and Hong Kong. Apart from taking in the sights and trying yummy Taiwanese food, Robina will get a chance to meet Wang Li Hom and FIR (at some media event organised by a certain mobile phone brand)! yes, I told her to take photos. I snapped a bon voyage shot when I was at Beijing airport sending Robina off. She will pick up a copy of Harry Potter(hot off the press) at HK airport. On her way back she will get a Motorola razr V3 for me (yes! the closest thing to a tricorder!).
the downside is that a typhoon is now heading towards Taiwan, Robina and party will probably see a very wet Taipei...
meanwhile, I will mind the shop and take care of Sally (feed her, walk her and keep her out of mischief). apart from pigging out and ploughing thru DVDs, I will probably check out the museums (normally will bored the socks of Robina). There's a Zheng He exhibition at the Beijing National Museum. will probably go to the Military Museum if its not flooded by half the humanity in China. but if the smog currently afflicting Beijing does not lift, I will probably lie low.
PS: met up with Diana who's in town for work. brought her to do foot massage at Taipan (with free food and drinks thrown in). she even did manicure (both hand and feet). she commented that she never had so many people fussing over her (one girl doing foot massage, one guy manicuring other feet, plus a lady doing nails) at one time! brought her to buy DVDs (IPR-free type), she loaded up CSI (for herself) and Korean drama for frens.
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