Sally as a puppy

going through older digital albums of Sally. she really used to look like a golliwog with her mop top. but her big brown eyes are still the same even though Sally is now "whitened" (actually she's grey all over).
when Robina and I spotted Sally at the dog adoption stand at Taipei's flower market, it was her big brown eyes, floppy ears that caught our attention. she looked so different from other mongrel puppies (most of them are dark brown with black muzzles). Sally looked more like a Border Collie puppy then. she was a bag of bones at 1.5kg when we brought her home. she was so tiny that Robina could stuff Sally into her leather jacket since she was shivering in the Taipei winter winds. but Sally quickly doubled in weight after the first week from a diet of milk and dog food.
even now Robina would wonder if Sally would have a better life if she did not live with us. There was an elderly couple who was also interested at Sally. They would probably had taken good care of Sally (but who knows?). apart from us, there was this pair of evil-looking sisters (I presumed that they were sisters since they resembled each other, plump-looking middle-aged Taiwanese women). They asked the animal welfare volunteers if Sally was "choped" (booked). The two women looked as if they were more likely to cook Sally (as in doggy stew favoured by the Koreans) than if they were looking for a pet. I guessed it was the way they asked. Instead of "is this puppy adopted?" it sounded to us like "is this puppy tasty?" like buying chicken or fish from market.
Robina quickly snapped: "this dog is taken (by us)!" and that was that...

Kawaiii!!!! ;)
so cute!!!!! sally look so different when she was a puppy! are they even the same dog? heh :)
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