roast leg of lamb: akan datang
dropped by Jenny Lou's (local equivalent of Jason's) during lunch time to buy groceries in preparation for tomorrow's cooking experiment. Will be firing up the oven for a roast leg of lamb.

the lamb leg was very fresh and quite cheap, about S$7 for 1.2kg (some how the image of a three-legged goat on clutches keep popping into my head, amen). Also picked up some fennel bulbs to toss in together with the lamb. Have not tried this vegetable before, but was told by the recipe and websites that it has a pleasant anise flavour and is great in a stew or braised together with the roast. will post about the result (or disaster) tomorrow.

on the subject of food, do check out penny seow's post and pics of her delicious mee siam (I can only appreciate visually). a word of warning though, do not read her blog when you're hungry or 10,000 miles away from the nearest plate of mee siam (it's that good!). I was drooling like Homer Simpson contemplating a hot dog on the floor of Appoo's Kwik'E Mart...duuuuhhhh...
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