home on the range
Robina and I decided to drop by a shooting range on the outskirts of Beijing this afternoon. It's right inside a PLA camp but opened to outsiders who basically pay for the bullets they blast off. I was a bit miffed that we could only choose from a dinky range of pistols, shot guns and sport rifles while others with "connections" could fire shiok weapons like AK47s. Robina chose a pistol by was quite pissed off by the "coach" who barked orders at her to hold the gun properly. She just fired off one magazine (10 rounds, 3RMB per round) before passing the next mag to me. I also tried firing the old SKS carbine, the most "military" rifle available to us. squeezed off 20 rounds at 6 RMB each. managed quite close clusters at the 50m target even with a rifle not properly zero-ed :-)

sorry, Robina didn't get fire this anti-aircraft gun. display only lah!

NS does have its uses...

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