after following the voyage of the Swedish East Indiaman, Gotheborg, Robina and I, together with Airani, Adrian and Peck Wai headed down to Vivocity to welcome the Gotheborg dock at the harbour promenade.
Gotheborg (pronounced as "yo-ter-bur-ri", which sounded curiously like Tamil to me) was a rebuilt 18th century sailing ship that plied the trade routes to China.

The more enthusiastic part of the crowd. We were alerted by SMS from Siva that the cannons would be fired soon. so we hussled to the dockside. There was a curious crowd of weekend shoppers and the Swedish community in Singapore as the welcoming committee. The cannonade was cheered by everyone. At one point, Siva was spotted dangling precariously off portside of the ship, presumably trying to disentangle a bumper.

As the Gotheborg moored and the gangway was deployed, the lion and dragon dance was activated as part of the festivities. Siva and the Singapore volunteers being "interviewed" by the MC (who was quite lame, figuratively)

Siva appeared none the worse despite the onboard cuisine and manual work. notice the rope belt, as befitting the nautical theme...

Adrian, Peck Wai, Airani and Robina. unofficial welcoming committee.

not really a Swedish "merlion", see got legs one! emblem of Gotheborg (the city) is a Lion.
basket u beat me to blogging about it. somemore your pictures are nicer!
is beijing too cold? hee hee
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