since fireworks are allowed within Beijing city for the first time in 12 years, I decided to go with the flow. that's my ammo dump. one box full of fireworks all for RMB200 (about S$40). reminded me of my NS when we have to "draw" ammo and explosives for our live-firings.

I like the sound of this "blossom after thundering" firework. it's the size of a butter cookie tin.

other types in the collection. this one is thicker than a thunderflash. rest assured that all these are pipsqueaks compared to the arsenal of other Beijing residents. larger industrial size fireworks are the size of a washing machine and can produce NDP scale performances...

after dinner, we went down to Sherry's apartment garden to let off some fireworks. ostensibly it was for Ethan's benefit but I think we adults were more interested like Yee Wee here!

our fireworks were the itsy bitsy kind compared to those going off all around the city.

around midnight Beijing let it rip after being deprived for 12 years! the background noise was so loud that it was like a war zone. you can hear the rippling of fire crackers and the boom of larger fireworks. all the din was echoing around the buildings! and it went on for hours into the early morning!

as Chiam was driving us back, we saw crowds gathering on the empty streets to let off firecrackers and fireworks. it was mayhem! the roads and pavement were covered with shredded red papers from the firecrackers! well, Beijing really went all the way! and I thought Taipei was fireworks crazy!
woah, way cool with the fire works!!!
if the same rules still applies for next year... maybe we'll come over and crash in Beijing for a Fired up new year!!
the scene of streets filled with red fireworks paper is a familiar image on my mind as my parents often talk about them with great fondness. must experience it for myself too!!
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