what the fish!
a Singapore Mac user & non-practicising biologist on life in Beijing, current affairs, dogs, nature and history. and the answer to life, the universe and everything is still 42!
take a look at Andy Ho's article in ST on thurs. I think his assertion about H5N1 swapping genes with Ebola a bit sensationalistic (title also!), but his points about the similar symptoms between the mysterious outbreak in Sichuan and the 1918 spanish flu "outbreak was chilling...
depression can be contagious...
it's not what you think, it's worst...
seems like you'r more likely to be killed by your hamburger patty than terrorist bombs. British Columbia (the one in Canada!) recalled ground beef that were contaminated by E. coli bacteria. for more insights (mostly shocking) about food safety (or rather lack thereof) and fast food industry check out "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser.
horrors! Danwei reports about fake beer and formaldehyde-laced beer. well, if they can fake LV, Guccis, eggs (yes, the chicken variety) and even 50RMB notes, those "fakers" can fake just about anything.
Friday night, no mood to eat out. Hit the supermarket to load up on veggies, sausage and meat. Robina cooked Sally’s dinner while I prepared and cooked ours!