thanksgiving at Sherry's

someone asked about the origins of Thanksgiving and after offering the PC version, I added that what happened to the Native Americans after helping the pilgrims (that's what you get from reading Guns Germs and Steel).
excerpt from Wikipedia (link from since wiki is now blocked by the GFW):
"U.S. tradition associates the holiday with a meal held in 1621 by the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Some of the details of the American Thanksgiving story are myths that developed in the 1890s and early 1900s as part of the effort to forge a common national identity in the aftermath of the Civil War and in the melting pot of new immigrants."

Apparently there's was a screwup involving the turkey Sherry ordered from Jenny Lou's. this was after ordering way ahead, checking with the deli the day before and yet they still screw it up. Sherry was on the verge of freaking out (20 people coming and no turkey!), the rest of us tried to shrug it off as being in China. at least the deli admitted their mistake and offered to replace the MIA turkey with a roast beef FOC(which actually turned out quite nice). well, the deli "Chef-to-go" (see below) was apparently swamped with turkey orders.
from China Daily:
"Some Americans had to postpone their dinners to the weekend because Chef-to-go sections at Jenny Lou grocery chains that sell cooked turkey at 900 yuan (US$112.5) each were too busy. "My phone has not stopped ringing. The orders are piled up to Saturday," said Zoe Sun, director of Chef-to-go."